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Ad-/Tracking-Modules and Privacy Checker

That's not only annoying in many cases, but also a general security risk – as ad- and tracking-modules inherit all permissions from their „host-apps“. Moreover, there are other hidden costs of advertisements: with websites, they at best make up 50% of your traffic, in some cases more than 90%! Not to forget that sometimes there are also malicious ads – something Google Ads isn´t safe from either. So what can be done?

  1. Buy apps. Usually, the paid versions do not contain ad-modules (exception: if the paid version is to be used as an addon to the free one; but unfortunately there are also other exceptions).
  2. If there's no paid version (or that contains „sniffers“ as well): think about using an AdBlocker (in most cases, this requires root)
  3. Alternatively, think about using a Firewall or Permission Blocker.
  4. Take your apps exclusively from F-Droid (in my lists they can be identified by the F-Droid Icon F-Droid Icon). According to a study from 9/2017 this is the only place where neither Adware nor Malware was found (at Google Play they found e.g. ca. 2% Malware)

And if you think it’s only the online shops which are bugged: Nope. In offline stores, secret surveillance tracks your every move as well.

To protect yourself against that, you’ve first got to identify affected apps and places.

I need privacy. Not because my actions are questionable, but because 'your' judgement and intentions are.

And it doesn't matter whether or not my communications are weighty or frivolous in nature - they are mine and only for those whom I've chosen to share them with. Not the government's, nor goog's, nor my ISP's, but mine.

Also, what is legal where I live today, may not be legal tomorrow and my discussion of it may incriminate my future self. It has happened in the past many times to others in other places.


Identify Ad-Modules




For general privacy-risks, a.o. the following apps watching out:

Other Sniffer-Detectors


Other means of privacy protection


Further Readings:
