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On Android, app permissions shall regulate access to resources and guarantee a certain form of „privacy”. Unfortunately, on-board utilities are a complete failure here – as they are either non-existing (up to Android 5/Lollipop), or much too low granular (Android 6 and up). A must-read on this topic is Das Android Berechtigungsmodell: Ein perfides Konstrukt by security expert Mike Kuketz (Googletranslated English variant here). So we have to substitute with 3rd party utilities – to inspect what apps have access to (possible without root) as well as to regulate that access ourselves (usually requires root).

Permission Checker


Permission Manager

AppOps FrontEnds


These are front-ends for the built-in AppOps available with Android 4.3/4.4. Do not require root.

Stand-Alone Permission Manager


If not noted otherwise, these will require root.

APK Rebuilder


Manipulate the .apk file of (user-) apps, and re-install those. They don't require root; but usually, updates for those apps no longer work.

Further Readings:
