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Das Inoffizielle Android-HandbuchAndroid kennenlernen, Tipps & TricksDas Inoffizielle Android-Handbuch
Android kennenlernen, Tipps & Tricks
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Das Inoffizielle Android SystemhandbuchTiefer ins System einsteigenDas Inoffizielle Android Systemhandbuch
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Die besten Android-AppsDen Androiden austattenDie besten Android-Apps
Den Androiden austatten
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Willkommen to IzzyOnDroid!

What: yet another site with Android app-listings? Yepp. But why? How does this one differ from others, how is it "more special"?


For the future, I do not only plan additional functionality – but also additional sections: articles, howtos, and resource collections are already on my todo list (or even available). A detailed reference to Android app permissions can already be found here.

I hope, this website will be helpful to its visitors!
