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2024-12-30 Review of 2024 and Outlook for 2025: Reproducible Builds, Security Measures and more

2024 waves goodbye, 2025 knocks at the door: what did we achieve in 2024, and what are our plans and hopes for 2025? Join us to take a look back at security measures established, at progress with Reproducible Builds – and for a look ahead of what might come next!

2024-08-01 Reproducible Builds, special client support and more at the IzzyOnDroid Repo

Exciting news at the IzzyOnDroid repo! Now we have Reproducible Builds, specific support by some of the most popular F-Droid clients, and more!

2024-03-25 Ramping up security: additional APK checks are in place with the IzzyOnDroid repo

With the library scanner in place for multiple years, it was about time to establish some additional APK checks with the IzzyOnDroid F-Droid repository. This article will give you an idea what other information can be obtained from APK files, even without accessing their sources.

2022-12-08 (2022-11-15) Android without Google: Shiftphones

Like the well-known Fairphones, Shiftphones are modular devices. Right from the shop they ship with no bloat, just the minimal set of Google Apps are installed. And never was it easier to go Google-free: no bootloader unlocking or the like required, simply use the standard update feature to switch to the alternative version!

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© William Theaker / Izzy

Extend the „simple binary repo“: Screenshots & more

The previous article described how to create and run a simple F-Droid repo. Of course, with just text it looks a bit spartan – so let’s polish it up a bit with this article, and add graphics among other things.

2022-03-03 (2021-11-14)
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© William Theaker / Izzy

Setting up a simple binary F-Droid repo

No GUI, but more flexibility: fdroidserver is intended to run F-Droid repos. It’s used by F-Droid itself even to build apps from source, and also by IzzyOnDroid to just serve „collected apps“ using a setup variant called „simple binary repo“. This is easier to achieve than you might think – and this article shows you how to do it on a Debian based system.

2021-08-16 Metatrans Apps introduces its own F-Droid repository

With F-Droid, everybody can host their own repo: like the apps at F-Droid, the software is completely free and open source. Some enthusiast supporters already do so, also some developers. Read in this guest article how Metatrans Apps discovered this possibility for themselves, and what their experience was on the path.

2021-01-29 Identify modules in apps

Most apps ship with additional modules. Some of those are required for the functionality, others are not. This article will deal with the latter – and how to find out which of those might be used by an app.

2021-09-19 (2020-12-20)
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Join the F-Droid Team: Tasks of a Reviewer

You’ve probably heard that F-Droid is „permanently understaffed“ and could need some more „helping hands“ – but always thought it might be to complicated for you? While there are indeed some complicated tasks: there are also easy onces any enthusiastic user can perform. No development knowledge required. Got curious? This article shows some of my daily tasks.

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Network Analysis
© Martin Grandjean

Other decentralized services

Mastodon and PeerTube are by far not the only „services” in the Fediverse. Decentralized services do exist even „in the outside“. To describe them all, would mean writing a multi-volume encyclopedia – this doesn’t fit into a Blog. Nevertheless, let’s take a little view „beyond our own noses“ – though you might find yourselves in familiar terrain here.

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