App Statistics
Number of Apps | avg. Price | avg. Perms | avg/max Trackers | Groups | Categories |
12,414 | EUR 0.41 | 10.5 | 2.3 / 33 | 1,212 | 265 |
App Stores Statistics
Statistic | Number of Apps | Pct |
All apps listed in our App-Listings | 12414 | 100.00% |
Apps on Google Play | 7554 | 60.85% |
Apps on alternative Markets | 9620 | 77.49% |
Apps on IzzyOnDroid | 953 | 7.68% |
Apps on F-Droid | 1871 | 15.07% |
Apps on Aptoide | 7556 | 60.87% |
Apps on Xposed | 57 | 0.46% |
Apps only on IzzyOnDroid | 452 | 3.64% |
Apps on IzzyOnDroid and/or F-Droid | 2657 | 21.40% |
Apps on IzzyOnDroid but not on Google Play | 621 | 5.00% |
Apps on F-Droid but not on Google Play | 1137 | 9.16% |
Apps on Aptoide but not on Google Play | 2800 | 22.56% |
Apps on Xposed but not on Google Play | 51 | 0.41% |
Apps on IzzyOnDroid and on Google Play | 332 | 2.67% |
Apps on F-Droid and on Google Play | 734 | 5.91% |
Apps on F-Droid and on Aptoide | 478 | 3.85% |
Apps on Aptoide and on Google Play | 4756 | 38.31% |
Apps on Xposed and on Google Play | 6 | 0.05% |
Apps on Google Play but neither on F-Droid nor Aptoide | 2392 | 19.27% |
Apps on all 3 markets (w/o Xposed) | 328 | 2.64% |
Apps with direct download links | 9119 | 73.46% |
Apps currently offline (might be removed temporarily) | 1024 | 8.25% |
App Update Statistics
Name | Number of Apps | Pct |
last updated more than 2 years ago | 4085 | 32.91% |
last updated 1..2 years ago | 1202 | 9.68% |
last updated 6..12 month ago | 1077 | 8.68% |
updated within the last 6 month | 5032 | 40.53% |
no release date information | 0 | 0.00% |
currently unavailable at all | 1024 | 8.25% |
average time since last update | 27 months (821 days) | |
average time since last update check | 2 weeks (13 days) |
Ratings of apps not updated for 2 years or more
Rating | Number of Apps | Pct |
0 | 380 | 3.06% |
<2 | 82 | 0.66% |
2-3 | 315 | 2.54% |
3-4 | 1,352 | 10.89% |
4-5 | 1,956 | 15.76% |
All | 4,085 | 32.91% |
App price stats
Name | Number of Apps | Pct |
free | 11,584 | 93.31% |
≤ 0.50 € | 9 | 0.07% |
0.51 € … 1.00 € | 61 | 0.49% |
1.01 € … 5.00 € | 511 | 4.12% |
5.01 € … 10.00 € | 159 | 1.28% |
10.01 € and up | 90 | 0.72% |
App size stats
Name | Number of Apps | Pct |
0..100k | 2,971 | 23.93% |
100..500k | 295 | 2.38% |
500k..1M | 267 | 2.15% |
1..10M | 4,809 | 38.74% |
10..50M | 3,099 | 24.96% |
50M+ | 973 | 7.84% |
Top 5 categories by average app size
Category | Avg. app size | |
1 | Video Editing | 48.0 M |
2 | Home Banking | 47.5 M |
3 | Cheap Calls | 43.7 M |
4 | Flights and Hotels | 41.3 M |
5 | Delivery Services & Fastfood | 39.5 M |
Bottom 5 categories by average app size
Category | Avg. app size | |
1 | Logcat & Co. | 1.7 M |
2 | WarDriving & Tethering | 1.8 M |
3 | Various other barcode apps | 1.8 M |
4 | Location Services | 2.1 M |
5 | Canteen Plans | 2.3 M |
Hint: We currently have 270 permissions recorded.
Top 5 permission-hungry Apps
App | # Perms | |
1 | Parallel Space - app cloning | 119 |
2 | Parallel Space - 64Bit Support | 111 |
3 | VirtualXposed | 108 |
4 | App Cloner- Clone App for Dual | 104 |
5 | MacroDroid - Device Automation | 83 |
Breakdown: number of Permissions requested per App
Permission Count | Number of Apps |
0 - ∞ | 12414 |
< 10 | 6265 |
10-25 | 5050 |
26-50 | 622 |
51-100 | 35 |
> 100 | 4 |
Top 5 categories by Permissions per App
Category | avg. Perms/App | |
1 | Manage your Android Device from your Computer | 27.7 |
2 | CallerID and Directories | 26.1 |
3 | Cheap Calls | 25.7 |
4 | Toggle Switches | 25.5 |
5 | Messenger & Conferences | 24.2 |
Top 5 most requested Permissions
Permission | Number of Apps | Pct | |
1 | INTERNET | 10,400 | 83.8% |
2 | ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE | 9,576 | 77.1% |
3 | WAKE_LOCK | 8,123 | 65.4% |
4 | WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE | 7,188 | 57.9% |
5 | READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE | 6,869 | 55.3% |
Top 5 bogus permissions
Permissions which don't exist but are still requested by several apps. These won't do any harm (as the Android system cannot grant them anyway), but show that sometimes not all permissions an app requests are really needed by it (e.g. when it is misspelled, the real one probably wasn't needed either for the app's functionality). Also see Strange permissions in several apps at StackOverflow.
Permission | Comments | Number of Apps | Pct | |
1 | android.permission.QUICKBOOT_POWERON | This is not a permission but an intent (android.intent.action.QUICKBOOT_POWERON ) | 32 | 0.3% |
2 | android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION | pre-Android-1.0 and long obsolete | 21 | 0.2% |
3 | android.permission.ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION | This is no permission, but an action to call in order to obtain one | 17 | 0.1% |
4 | android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REPLACED | probably wrongly deduced from BROADCAST_PACKAGE_ADDED and BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED | 6 | 0.0% |
5 | android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_CHANGED | probably wrongly deduced from BROADCAST_PACKAGE_ADDED and BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED | 5 | 0.0% |
Top 5 unknown permissions
Permissions not (yet) recorded in our Permission List. These include e.g. permissions introduced with a new Android version, permissions declared by third-party-apps or manufacturers (to protect access to APIs they might provide), and non-existing permissions (spelling errors, fantasy – see Bogus Permissions above).
Permission | Number of Apps | Pct | |
2 | ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID | 683 | 5.5% |
4 | com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE | 396 | 3.2% |
5 | | 388 | 3.1% |
Hint: We currently have 14 concerns recorded.
Top 5 concerned Apps
App | # Concerns | |
1 | Dragon Mobile Assistant | 14 |
2 | AirDroid: File & Remote Access | 14 |
3 | GO Launcher -Themes&Wallpapers | 14 |
4 | VirtualXposed | 14 |
5 | GO SMS Pro - Messenger, Free T | 14 |
Top 5 categories by Concerns per App
Category | avg. Concerns/App | |
1 | CallerID and Directories | 7.3 |
2 | Cheap Calls | 6.8 |
3 | Personal Assistants (Competition to Siri & Google Now) | 6.5 |
4 | Short Messages | 6.3 |
5 | Personal Protection (Emergency Alerts) | 6.2 |
Top 5 Concerns
Concern | Number of Apps | Pct | |
1 | network_access | 10,636 | 85.7% |
2 | location | 3,829 | 30.8% |
3 | recording | 3,577 | 28.8% |
4 | cost | 3,320 | 26.7% |
5 | network | 2,386 | 19.2% |
Apps glued to the Google Ecosystem
Calculated by requests to permissions granted by Google-Apps (see Google Glue in this sites help pages).
As this does not cover everything (and our permission list definitely is incomplete), the real number probably is higher. Note that CHECK_LICENSE
be a show-stopper if you don't have the original GApps installed on your device, as then licence check won't work and the app most likely refuse to run.
Same applies to apps with google.MAPS_RECEIVE
, which most likely even refuse to install. Everything else might just limit the app's functionality.
Name | Number of Apps | Percent |
All | 6,211 | 50.03% |
Hard glued | 1,255 | 10.11% |
vending.CHECK_LICENSE | 1,053 | 8.48% |
vending.BILLING | 2,812 | 22.65% |
Google Cloud Messaging | 4,442 | 35.78% |
Google Maps API | 220 | 1.77% |
Google Authentication | 12 | 0.1% |
Others | 1,300 | 10.47% |
Analytics and Ad Modules
Name | Number of Apps | Pct |
Coverage: 12262 out of | 12414 | 98.78% |
All Apps with library data | 12262 | 100.00% |
All with Trackers | 7152 | 58.33% |
All with intrusive Trackers | 6769 | 55.20% |
All with Ads | 4631 | 37.77% |
All with intrusive Ads | 4230 | 34.50% |
Paid Apps | 799 | 6.52% |
Paid with Trackers | 356 | 44.56% |
Paid with intrusive Trackers | 344 | 43.05% |
Paid with Ads | 139 | 17.40% |
Paid with intrusive Ads | 132 | 1.08% |
Firebase | 6299 | 51.37% |
AdMob | 3770 | 30.75% |
Crashlytics | 3488 | 28.45% |
GA | 1457 | 11.88% |
FacebookLogin | 1246 | 10.16% |
FacebookShare | 1045 | 8.52% |
FacebookAnalytics | 960 | 7.83% |
FacebookAds | 825 | 6.73% |
AppsFlyer | 438 | 3.57% |
349 | 2.85% | |
inMobi | 332 | 2.71% |
Flurry | 234 | 1.91% |
GoogleAds | 205 | 1.67% |
FacebookPlaces | 204 | 1.66% |
DoubleClick | 162 | 1.32% |
Mixpanel | 157 | 1.28% |
MoPub | 121 | 0.99% |
Smaato | 102 | 0.83% |
Chartboost | 95 | 0.77% |
Tapjoy | 60 | 0.49% |
StartApp | 51 | 0.42% |
FacebookFlipper | 47 | 0.38% |
Millennia | 45 | 0.37% |
Umeng | 34 | 0.28% |
Tealium | 21 | 0.17% |
Huq | 15 | 0.12% |
MobFox | 8 | 0.07% |
CallDorado | 8 | 0.07% |
FacebookAccountKit | 5 | 0.04% |
AdMarvel | 4 | 0.03% |
Sense360 | 4 | 0.03% |
RevMob | 2 | 0.02% |
DynamicYield | 1 | 0.01% |
Mobclix | 1 | 0.01% |
Avocarrot | 1 | 0.01% |
1 apps with library count | 16 | 0.01% |
4 apps with library count | 15 | 0.03% |
6 apps with library count | 14 | 0.05% |
7 apps with library count | 13 | 0.06% |
8 apps with library count | 12 | 0.07% |
21 apps with library count | 11 | 0.17% |
59 apps with library count | 10 | 0.48% |
113 apps with library count | 9 | 0.92% |
176 apps with library count | 8 | 1.44% |
262 apps with library count | 7 | 2.14% |
312 apps with library count | 6 | 2.54% |
445 apps with library count | 5 | 3.63% |
785 apps with library count | 4 | 6.40% |
1338 apps with library count | 3 | 10.91% |
1846 apps with library count | 2 | 15.05% |
1426 apps with library count | 1 | 11.63% |
Top 5 categories by average mod count
Category | avg. Mods/App | |
1 | Music Identification | 5.6 |
2 | Screen Recording | 5.3 |
3 | Buy & Sell: eBay & Classified Ads | 5.1 |
4 | Video Downloader | 5.0 |
5 | Various Photo & Picture Tools | 5.0 |
Various Stats
Name | Number of Apps | Pct |
Apps downloadable free of cost | 11584 | 93.31% |
Free apps with CHECK_LICENSE permission | 716 | 5.77% |
Free apps with in-app billing (“Freemium”) | 2765 | 22.27% |
Payed apps with in-app billing (“Peemium?”) | 47 | 0.38% |
Apps requesting no permission at all | 442 | 3.56% |
Apps requesting 1-5 permissions | 3326 | 26.79% |
Apps requesting 6-10 permissions | 3594 | 28.95% |
Apps requesting 11 to 20 permissions | 3708 | 29.87% |
Apps requesting 21 to 30 permissions | 1008 | 8.12% |
Apps requesting more than 30 permissions | 336 | 2.71% |
Apps with no permission concerns | 1517 | 12.22% |
Apps with 1-5 permission concerns | 9713 | 78.24% |
Apps with 6-10 permission concerns | 1115 | 8.98% |
Apps with more than 10 permission concerns | 69 | 0.56% |