Cheap Calls
Where and how you can save some bucks on calls and messages?
Though this category is titled „Cheap Calls“, and the apps are intended to save you some bucks – be aware you often pay by other means. This category turns up second place for „average permissions requested per app“ (more than 20), even before remote device management and the so-called anti-virus apps, only topped by the „personal assistants“ (Google Now / Siri competitors) requesting 30 permissions per app on average.
Save on Landline
- Tariffic (3.6@655) 8
- toolani - International Calls (3.5@5,699) Ǥ 21 5
- Foocall: call & sms abroad (2.6@3,810) Ǥ 22 4
Save via VoIP
Some of these apps also offer short-message services.
- ooVoo Video Calls, Messaging & Stories (4.9@100) Ǥ 16 16 LastUpdate: 2017-10-31 Wikipedia; clients available for Mac, Win, iOS as well
- Talkray - Free Calls and Text (4.9@33) Ǥ 20 10 LastUpdate: 2019-01-18 incl. SMS; Phone & Tablet optimized
- satellite (4.6@14,199) Ǥ 23 2 Vorstellung 5/2019
- MobileVOIP international calls (4.5@100,082) Ǥ 19 4
- Skype (4.4@11,751,490) Ǥ 43 3
- Google Meet (4.4@11,222,233) Ǥ 38 Vorstellung 8/2016
- Tango- Live Stream, Video Chat (4.4@4,869,382) Ǥ 42 3 Wikipedia; incl. SMS
- Libon: Calls and Recharge (4.4@219,365) Ǥ 26 5 Wikipedia EN
- Rakuten Viber Messenger (4.2@16,861,626) Ǥ 65 7 Security Check 3/2017 ; Ausführlicher Test 4/2017 mit Privacy-Check ; Wikipedia DE | EN incl. SMS; Privacy- & Datenschutz? Totale Fehlanzeige!
- Threema. The Secure Messenger (4.2@73,504; ~EUR 6.00) Ǥ 26 2 / Threema Work. For Companies (3.7@1,908) Ǥ 38 / Threema Libre (0@0) 38 Github; Video Review 3/2019 (DE); Video Backup & Restore (3/2019); Video Threema Webchat Howto 2/2017 (DE); Threema Video Tutorials; Vorstellung 8/2018 | 11/2018-1/2021; Wikipedia DE|EN; Audit 11/2015 | 3/2019; (Datenschutz-) Testbericht 2/2020 ; FAQ; Libre (FOSS) version available via Threema’s own F-Droid repo; messenger with end-to-end encryption / Github
- TiKL Touch Talk Walkie Talkie (3.9@162,976) 12 7 LastUpdate: 2018-05-22 incl. SMS & Chat
- Second Number for Call & Text (3.8@671,968) Ǥ 53 19 pay with your privacy (beware the tracksers!)
- Cellbry (3.8@309) Ǥ 26 4 LastUpdate: 2020-04-22
- Jitsi Meet (3.7@51,982) Ǥ 18 4 Github; Anleitung 3/2020; Video Kurzanleitung 3/2020; Vorstellung 4/2020
- LINE: Calls & Messages (3.5@14,049,772) Ǥ 44 4 Wikipedia DE | EN
- Vaani: Calling & Mobile Topup (3.5@225) Ǥ 26 3 LastUpdate: 2022-03-13
- KakaoTalk : Messenger (3.2@3,181,112) Ǥ 55 4 Wikipedia DE | EN
- Nextcloud Talk (3.2@1,559) Ǥ 39 1 Github
- Talkatone: Texting & Calling (3.1@192,288) Ǥ 31 17
- Wire - Secure Messenger (2.2@36,080) Ǥ 24 1 Github; Testberichte 4/2017 | 3/2020; Privacy-Warnung 7/2018; Vorstellung 8/2018 - 4/2020; free/gratis, encrypted communication: voice, video and group chats; cross platform: Android, iOS, Mac, Windows. Or in the web browser.
- Red (0@0) 4 LastUpdate: 2022-06-28 Github; redirect outgoing calls to Signal/Telegram/Threema
- WebCall (0@0) 19 Github
Open SIP clients
- Telesis SIP VoIP Softphone (5@230) Ǥ 25 LastUpdate: 2020-09-24
- Voip By Antisip (+Video) (4.3@471) Ǥ 15 LastUpdate: 2023-05-19
- Zoiper IAX SIP VOIP Softphone (4.1@74,486) Ǥ 38 1
- Simlar - secure calls (4.1@155) Ǥ 24 Github; encrypted calls, FOSS
- MizuDroid SIP VOIP Softphone (4@4,719) Ǥ 30 LastUpdate: 2023-04-03
- Linphone (3.8@5,757) Ǥ 33 Wikipedia DE | EN; Anleitung für Sipgate; Clients also available for Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, WP8
- Jami (3.7@1,808) Ǥ 24 1 Wikipedia EN; FAQ; Vorstellung 12/2019 | 5/2020; Testbericht 3/2020; Review 1/2021; desktop clients for Linux, Mac, Windows
- Denwa (3.6@106) 15 LastUpdate: 2020-06-24
- baresip (3.5@29) 25 / baresip+ (5@6) 24 Github
- Sipnetic (3.4@1,786) Ǥ 24 Testbericht 2/2020; Anleitung für Sipgate
- Lumicall (3.1@62) 24 LastUpdate: 2021-10-13 Github
- Sipdroid (2.9@10,837) 27 Github; Wikipedia EN
- ASTPP Dialer - VoIP Softphone (1.7@122) 18 2
- Antonia SIP Softphone - VoIP Mobile Dialer (1@118) 24 LastUpdate: 2020-02-24
- SIP Caller (0@0) 1 LastUpdate: 2016-09-13 Github
Roaming Control
- EU Roaming Data Watcher (3.6@38) 0 LastUpdate: 2020-05-31
- Roaming Guard (2.9@148) 7 1 LastUpdate: 2022-03-31
- Roaming Switch ON / OFF (2.3@307) 5 1 LastUpdate: 2022-03-10
Various savings
- Serval Mesh (4.2@1,928) 30 LastUpdate: 2017-06-03 Github; Mesh network of phones (no central server)
Further Readings:
- Category Provider Tools: Contract Management and more
- Category Messenger & Conferences
- The 7 Best Free Calling Apps (Unlimited Calls With Wi-Fi) (6/2021 - 8/2023)
- The 5 Best Free Calling Apps for Making Free Phone Calls (4/2021 - 1/2023)
- Mit dem Smartphone im EU-Ausland: Wann fallen Kosten an? (6/2017 - 7/2019)
- Voice over IP – Telefonieren über das Internet (6/2016)
- Telefonieren über das Internet: So bleibt Ihr weltweit preiswert erreichbar (1/2016 - 4/2017)
- Die besten Skype-Alternativen für Android (11/2014 - 4/2020)