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Android kennenlernen, Tipps & Tricks
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Die besten Android-AppsDen Androiden austattenDie besten Android-Apps
Den Androiden austatten
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Sometimes it's necessary to "lock" certain apps. E.g. when giving your smartphone to someone else for a call or something else, you probably don't want that person to have full access to everything. For this, the following apps come in handy:

Child protection


Other App-Lockers


For a web search, a good term is "kiosk mode" (e.g. android +"kiosk mode"), to be used with the search engine you trust. The result list will a.o. yield the following interesting pages:

But also to how-tos explaining to achieve kiosk-mode with functionality built-in to Android, such as „App Pinning”.

Further Readings:
