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Organize Apps

With a few more apps installed, soon the question pops up: How to keep a clear overview? The list in the app drawer can grow quite long, and does not necessarily stay lucid. Scrolling up and down multiple times to find the app in question is no fun: How easily you push to strong, and the list flies by with ludicrous speed. Or you don't push enough, and the app below your finger gets started instead. Plastering your home screen with icons is no solution either. So what to do?

On this page you should find some tools to help you out on this topic. The list is far from being complete – but hopefully gives you at least an idea. Or maybe the ideal candidate for you is even contained on it?

App Organizer


How to organize apps in a way to always easily find the one looking for?

Manage Default Apps


Starting an action, Android sometimes asks you to chose the App to use – and you can tell it to remember your choice. But how to change that at a later time, in an easy and convenient way? The following Apps come to help you out:

Additional candidates can be found in the section Manage Default Apps.

Remove apps


How to get rid of them again? Apart from on-board methods, there are some nice helpers available:

Remove pre-installed Apps


Starting with Android 4.0, the user finally can de-activate most unwanted apps (Settings → Apps → All, tap the unwanted app's entry, select "uninstall updates" (if available), select "deactivate") – but to really get rid of them, it still requires root (except you uninstall them per user):

Move apps to your SD card (and back)


Screentime & App Usage


Other app helpers


Postscriptum: Some Launchers have some of those functionalities integrated already . Or you might even be content with the app folders on the home screen itself, which were introduced with Android 4.0 aka Ice Cream Sandwich?

Further Readings:
