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Location Cache & Fake

Collecting location data is quite common on mobile devices. I'm not just talking about apps and their possible ad modules, but about the system itself. Up to about Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) the corresponding cache files where stored below /data/data/ (in Cache.wifi and Cache.cell), but then was moved elsewhere. Unfortunately, noone found the new location yet (or nobody cared to check; a few last-known locations can be discovered via adb shell dumpsys location, though), so the corresponding apps most likely stopped working on Android 4.1 or later.

Apart from collecting those data on-device, there’s also the so-called „Offline Tracking” – where several collectors (e.g. in malls) log which devices are „passing by”, based e.g. on their WiFi or Bluetooth MAC addresses. To protect yourself from that, simply switch WiFi and Bluetooth off when not needed – for which you can also use some automation app.

Read/view/delete the Location Cache


As stated above: these apps stopped working with Android versions after 4.0. Meanwhile they are all „gone”.

Location Blocker & Faker


Other Location Apps


Also see Location Provider

Further Readings:
