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Twitter & Mastodon Clients

I can could (earlier) be found at Twitter as IzzyOnDroid and can still (and frequently) be found on Mastodon as Clients for both can be found at Google Play, F-Droid and Aptoide:

Clients for Twitter


Clients for Twitter + Facebook


Clients for Mastodon & Pleroma


Mastodon is a micro-blogging service with similar features like Twitter. But unlike Twitter, it is open-source and federated. Another intro can be found in the article Meet Mastodon or, here at IzzyOnDroid in Mastodon: friendly Microblogging; also see Privacy on Mastodon.

Pleroma is kind of a „light-weight Mastodon“ (an elephant?  :D ). Apps working for one often also work for the other.

Various federated networks


Further Readings:
