Though mostly used via USB, ADB can also be accessed per WiFi connections. In both cases, we can speak of "remote administration of the Android device". Abstract from the linked Wikipedia page:
The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a toolkit included in the Android SDK package. It consists of both client and server-side programs that communicate with one another. The ADB is typically accessed through the command-line interface, although numerous graphical user interfaces exist to control ADB.
If you don't want to install the entire SDK just to use ADB, please make sure to check my article Is there a minimal installation of ADB? at Stack Exchange – and find the corresponding Linux/Mac/Windows binaries here at IzzyOnDroid in the download section.
ADB Wireless
- WiFi ADB Debug (5@26) 6 1 LastUpdate: 2017-03-27 root required;
- WiFi ADB - Debug Over Air (4.7@8,779) 8 LastUpdate: 2020-04-28 root required
- Telnet Server & Network adb (4.3@242) 11 telnet server without root permission
- Wirebug (4.3@12) 4 LastUpdate: 2021-11-16
- YawADB - Wireless ADB (GPL) (4.3@9) 3 LastUpdate: 2019-10-21
- Wireless ADB: ADB over TCP/IP (4.2@860) Ǥ 6 2
- ADB over Ethernet (4.2@178) Ǥ 5 1 LastUpdate: 2020-03-02
- adbWireless (4.2@6) 6 LastUpdate: 2013-03-12 Github
- ADB Konnect (wireless ADB) (4.1@405) 3 LastUpdate: 2016-11-04
- [root] ADB over Wifi Switcher (4.1@8) 1
- ADB Wireless (no root) (3.6@1,661) 1 LastUpdate: 2014-09-12
- WADB - Wireless ADB enabler (2.8@259) 3 LastUpdate: 2022-06-26 Github
- ADB over WiFi (0@0) LastUpdate: 2020-11-11 Codeberg; toggle between USB/WiFi; needs root
- WADBS (0@0) 8 Github; Wireless Debugging Switch Widget
ADB Tools
- Adb Clipboard (5@2) 0 LastUpdate: 2020-04-11 Github
- Telnet Server & Network adb (4.3@242) 11 telnet server without root permission
- Remote ADB Shell (4.2@947) 3 LastUpdate: 2022-06-29 connect to one Android device from another Android device
- ADB⚡OTG - Android Debug Bridge (4@1,431) 1 Github; run ADB commands without a computer (device 2 device)
- ADB Change Language (4@315) 1 LastUpdate: 2017-08-30
- Awake for Debug (4@52) 2 LastUpdate: 2020-12-01
- Bugjaeger Mobile ADB - USB OTG (3.9@5,322) Ǥ 13 7
- ADB Master (3.6@508) 2 LastUpdate: 2015-04-07 / ADB Master Pro (4.4@9; ~EUR 5.50) 2 LastUpdate: 2015-04-07 JAR ADB GUI for Windows, Linux and Mac
- Adb Backup Helper (1.5@10) 1 LastUpdate: 2019-11-08
- ADBKeyBoard (0@0) 0 LastUpdate: 2021-06-16 Github; keyboard input via ADB
- Stay-Awake on ADB (0@0) 3 Github; keep the screen alive if your ADB session is alive
- ADB Tool Kits Installer (0@0) 2 LastUpdate: 2018-01-12 Github; install ADB to your Android device
- aShell You (0@0) 5 Github; extended fork of aShell
- aShell - an ADB shell (0@0; ~EUR 1.00) 3 GitLab;
adb shell
directly from your device! - ADBio (0@0) 1 LastUpdate: 2022-04-01 Github; toggle ADB with a single tap on the widget (needs root)
- ADB & Fastboot tools (0@0) 2 Github; run ADB commands without a computer (device 2 device)
ADB Programs for your computer
- GUIs for multiple actions:
- adbGUI (Windows only)
- ADB-GUI (Java)
- adbmanager (Linux GUI)
- adbwebkit: PHP based device management
- Android-Toolbox (only Windows builds)
- android-simple-adb
- AndroidTools: MacOs GUI with file explorer, app installer, logcat viewer and more
- Easy_ADB_fastboot
- GrapeBowl
- MobyDroid (cross-platform)
- QtADB (cross-platform)
- ya-webadb
- Screenshots & Screen Recordings:
- adb-screenrecord-script (*nix: capture android screen using screenrecord utility by chunks and streaming them via python SimpleHTTPServer)
- android-screen-record (Bash)
- gifcap: record GIFs via Bash
- RoboGif: Screen-Recording in GIF format
- ScreenMirror: just mirrors your Android screen to your desktop
- File manager & File system:
- aafm (Python based ADB file manager)
- adbclone: copy files between Android device and PC
- ADBFileExplorer
- AdbFileManager
- adbfs (FUSE mount your Android device on Linux)
- adbfs-rootless (FUSE mount your Android device on Linux)
- Axchange (file transfer GUI, alternative to MTP on Apple devices)
- Remote control:
- AdbKeyMonkey: use your PC keyboard as input
- Adb-Remote-Screen: remotely control your Android device (supports touch & swipe)
- android_touch: send touch data as JSON via HTTP to simulate touch input
- AndroidScreencast: remote control incl. screen, tap, swipe (Java+ADB)
- Auto-CPY (scrcpy GUI)
- CgiAdbRemote (Mini webserver for controlling UNROOTED Android devices via a web browser)
- CXTouch (full control)
- DivvyDroid (full control; Linux AppImage available)
- ethernally: scrcpy companion
- guiscrcpy: GUI for scrcpy
- QtScrcpy: scrcpy fork
- scrcpy: display and control Android devices
- scrcpy_light_launcher: Launcher für scrcpy
- sevensquare: control Android device via ADB (touch and swipe)
- Wrench: Remote control your Droid
- Logcat & Co:
- andlogview
- androidprocmon: graphical process/system monitor
- big-eye (user-friendly Android ADB dumpsys information)
- ColoredLogcat (Python)
- LogCatch
- lognote (Linux, Mac, Windows)
- rogcat: multi-function wrapper to logcat & more
- waal (colored logcat in Perl)
- Backup & Co:
- adb-backup: Backup Helper
- adbsync: sync with your Linux machine using rsync and adbfs
- SimpleADBBackup (GUI to
adb backup
/adb restore
for Linux and Windows) - rebuild-adb-backup (repairs some defect ADB backup files)
- tetherback: Create backups of an Android device over USB (requires adb and TWRP recovery)
- File transfer:
- adb-db-pull (*nix: find and pull SQLite databases from your device)
- adb-sync: sync files between Android and PC
- Command line:
- adb-peco (command-line: deal with multiple devices connected)
- adbtool (Python): can also work with multiple devices in one run
- android-completion (Bash completion for "adb")
- fb-adb: A better shell for Android devices
- mobile-toolkit
- Miscellaneous:
- ADB Message Notification Center (currently Windows only)
- adb_android: ADB for Python
- adb-block: interactively block apps, even w/o root (Bash + dialog + ADB)
- ADB-call-simulator (*nix: VoIP calls)
- adb-toolkit
- adb-uninstall: interactive app uninstaller
- ADB Helper: Firefox addon; XPI available here
- AdbPaste (send text input via ADB)
- ADB Proxy: connet devices via network to ADB
- adbusbini: adb_usb.ini containing every known Android vendor ID
- adeb: debian-based shell environment
- Adebar (Shell: Android DEvice Backup And Report; Vorstellung 11/2014; Wiki)
- alfred-android-adb: simple GUI for simple commands
- AMDH: Android Mobile Device Hardening
- Amonitor: Screen Monitor
- Android-ADB-CpuFreq (Shell: Control CPU remotely)
- android-bloatware-remover
- androidprocmon: graphical process monitor
- apbf: Pattern-unlock via TWRP & ADB
- autoadb: automatically execute commands when a device connects via ADB
- AutoDroid: automate interactions with Android devices
- AutoIMG (installer)
- fa: Fast Adb; simplifies and extends ADB use at command line. Available for Linux, MacOS, Windows.
- Flick: Ruby Gem CLI helper
- gnirehtet: Reverse Tether
- madb: Multi-device Android Debug Bridge
- mobile-toolkit: collection of scripts
- polysender: send SMS & mail broadcasts
- sadb: improvements for the
command-line - sndcpy: forward audio to your computer
- Universal-Debloater-Alliance/universal-android-debloater-next-generation: de-bloat your not-rooted device
- universal-android-debloater: de-bloat your not-rooted device
- Wunlocker: brute-force unlock your screen
- XLR8: remove FRP and more via Fastboot
Further Readings:
- Category Firewalls & Co.: Securing ADB
- ADB & Android shell cheat sheet
- AndroidShell: useful commands
- How to Grant Permissions Using ADB in Android (1/2022 - 5/2023)
- What Is the Android Debug Bridge? How to Use ADB for Beginners (1/2022)
- How to Set Up and Use ADB Wirelessly With Android (7/2021 - 6/2023)
- Android Won’t Connect to Windows Over ADB? Fix It in 3 Easy Steps (11/2019 - 8/2023)
- 6 Android ADB Apps for Powerful Features Without Root (5/2019)
- The Most Useful Things You Can Do with ADB and Fastboot on Android (6/2014)
- ADB: Installation, Befehle, Treiber, Shell und Fehlermeldungen (4/2014 - 4/2021)