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Keyboards & Input Methods

Most users probably live with the pre-installed keyboard app. Either because they are satisfied with it, that they are not aware of alternatives, or that the alternatives known to them are not really alternatives to them. Only few will know all available keyboard apps (even I don't). But even if the following list is far from being complete, they might prove helpful to the one or other.

Important to consider is that such a keyboard app is aware of all input done with it (well, that's its job, right?). Theoretically it could record all input (including passwords and other sensitive data). In case it also holds the permission to access the network, one could imagine some evil things. So better think twice if there are concerns to consider!

The permission to read/write user dictionaries is fully legit here, however – as that's what keyboards use for spell checking and „predictive typing“.

Keyboards supporting Swipe, Type, and Voice


Keyboards for Typing


Keyboards for Typing & Swiping


Alternative Input Ideas


More crazy ideas can be found in the category Personal Assistants (Competition to Siri & Google Now).

Remote Keyboards


… can be found in the category Control your Droid from your Computer

Other Keyboards


Keyboard Helpers


Further Readings:
