Sell stuff
Sell & Give away
- rebuy - Kaufen & Verkaufen (4.7@50,899) Ǥ 12 5 Vorstellung 5/2017
- momox: sell books & fashion (4.5@44,961) Ǥ 13 4
- Mobilegoo- Sell used Phones (4.5@15,958) Ǥ 10 3
- Cashmen: Sell Old Phone Online (4.3@3,031) Ǥ 7 3
- InstaCash - Sell Used Phone (4.2@22,853) Ǥ 26 9
- Buchmaxe (4.2@249) 4
- BookTrapper: Sell Textbooks (4@88) 6 2
- Sell books with World of Books (3.8@522) Ǥ 8 12
- Cashify: Buy & Sell Old Phones (3.7@481,668) Ǥ 23 3
- Old Laptop Sell Online –Used Laptop Sell Online (3.6@109) 4 4 LastUpdate: 2020-03-14
- Mobiles4Sale - Since 2008 (3.4@18) 4 LastUpdate: 2019-01-07
- Bonavendi (2.6@363) 6 4
- Easysell - Sell Old Used Phone & Other Gadgets (2.4@103) Ǥ 8 1 LastUpdate: 2020-04-28
- Werzahltmehr Recommerce-App (2.2@1,148) 5 LastUpdate: 2016-04-04
- BooksRun: Sell books for cash (1@332) Ǥ 9 5
Further Readings:
- Category Buy & Sell: eBay & Classified Ads
- The 5 Best Apps for Buying and Selling Pre-Owned Books (5/2021)
- Ebay, ReBuy und Co: So verkauft man sein gebrauchtes Handy (12/2017 - 12/2022)
- Momox vs. Rebuy – Ankaufportale im Vergleich (2/2014 - 2/2021)