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Tasker Resources

Tasker is the ultimate automation tool for Android. For functionality, nothing comes close to it. Newcomers might find it a bit “strange” to work with: yes, it will take a little time adaptating. But once this hurdle is overcome (which the tutorials here shall help you with), nobody can stop you anymore: Almost nothing that could not be done with Tasker!

Apps with explicit Tasker support / plugins

Often these apps/plugins are also compatible with Locale and Llama. However, no guarantees: you will have to test that yourself if needed.

Audio / Multimedia


Home Automation






NFC & Barcode








Widgets / Desktop


Various other Tasker Supporters


This is just a small selection, far from being complete. There are many more apps carrying e.g. “Tasker Plugin” or “Locale Plugin” in their names, so you can find additional candidates with a Playstore-Search (maybe better performed at AppBrain, as there the result list isn’t that limited). A very active developer of Tasker addons is joaomgcd – so taking a look at his apps is definitely worth it as well!

Tasker Graphs

To give an overview on possibilities you have with Tasker (and selected plugins), here a few graphs – which show available conditions and actions. Graphs are created using Graphviz, the corresponding source files are linked – updates with improvements/complementations are welcome :)

Tasker Conditions and Actions
Tasker (Tasker.gv; as of 12/2014)
Secure Settings Conditions and Actions
Secure Settings (SecureSettings.gv; as of 12/2014)

Tasker Tutorials

AutoVoice Tutorials:

Various other Tutorials:

Profile Collections

Some Fun with Tasker

Other Tasker resources
