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Das inoffizielle Android-HandbuchDas inoffizielle Android-Handbuch
Buy at Amazon for €16.99
OpenStreetMap: Die freie Weltkarte nutzen und mitgestaltenOpenStreetMap: Die freie Weltkarte nutzen und mitgestalten
Buy at Amazon for €10.69
Das BaseCamp & Openstreetmap Handbuch: Tourenplanung mit kostenloser SoftwareDas BaseCamp & Openstreetmap Handbuch: Tourenplanung mit kostenloser Software
Buy at Amazon for €22.90
Das Handbuch OpenStreetMap: Kartenmaterial nutzen und weiterentwickeln: OpenStreetMap durch eigene Einträge verbessern und in eigenen Apps oder Webseiten integrieren (Professional Series)Das Handbuch OpenStreetMap: Kartenmaterial nutzen und weiterentwickeln: OpenStreetMap durch eigene Einträge verbessern und in eigenen Apps oder Webseiten integrieren (Professional Series)
Buy at Amazon for €25.00
Buy at Amazon for €32.99
Erstellen von 3D-Stadtmodellen aus OpenStreetMap-Daten: in Kombination mit der Esri CityEngineErstellen von 3D-Stadtmodellen aus OpenStreetMap-Daten: in Kombination mit der Esri CityEngine
Buy at Amazon for €28.90
Integrating Openstreetmap Data: in Object Based Land-Cover and Land-Use Classification for Disaster RecoveryIntegrating Openstreetmap Data: in Object Based Land-Cover and Land-Use Classification for Disaster Recovery
Buy at Amazon for €39.90
OpenStreetMap in GIScience: Experiences, Research, and Applications (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)OpenStreetMap in GIScience: Experiences, Research, and Applications (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)
Buy at Amazon for €105.41
[(OpenStreetMap * *)] [by: J. Bennett][(OpenStreetMap * *)] [by: J. Bennett]
Buy at Amazon for €65.92
As of 2024-11-09 04:42
prices & availability might be subject to change.
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Locus Map & OsmAnd Resources

The one or other might already know Locus Map, a great mapping and navigation solution for OffBoard (online) and OnBoard (offline) use I was using myself for quite a while. So this page is dedicated to some resources on it: Addons, links to tutorials, and more.

For a while now I've switched to OsmAnd+ – and hence want to give this open source solution room in the resource collection as well. Similar to Locus Map, OsmAnd offers offline maps and navigation, has several addons, even has POIs integrated, and more.

Locus Map

Locus Addons & Apps


Map sources & POIs

Other Resources


OsmAnd (OpenStreetMap Automated Navigation Directions) is a map and navigation app for Android and iOS (see Wikipedia for details).

If you want to contribute to the OpenStreetMap project (yay!), please see Data Gathering for map providers. You don’t necessarily need to be a pro for that – there are also apps for beginners.

OsmAnd Addons & Apps

Other Resources

** Further readings:**
