Locus Map & OsmAnd Resources
The one or other might already know Locus Map, a great mapping and navigation solution for OffBoard (online) and OnBoard (offline) use I was using myself for quite a while. So this page is dedicated to some resources on it: Addons, links to tutorials, and more.
For a while now I've switched to OsmAnd+ – and hence want to give this open source solution room in the resource collection as well. Similar to Locus Map, OsmAnd offers offline maps and navigation, has several addons, even has POIs integrated, and more.
Locus Map
Locus Addons & Apps
- Locus - addon Heart rate zone (5@29) 0
LastUpdate: 2017-07-12
- Locus - addon Pebble (4.8@36) 0
LastUpdate: 2019-11-20 shows track recording information
- Locus API - Sample Solutions (4.7@18) 2
LastUpdate: 2018-08-25 for developers to explore functionality
- Coordinate Joker for Locus Map (4.6@26) 1
- Contacts for Locus Map (4.5@1,078) 1
LastUpdate: 2015-01-10 access your contact list from within Locus (e.g. to navigate to a contact)
- Locus - addon GeoGet Database (4.5@668) 2
LastUpdate: 2015-03-23 connection between GeoGet database (GeoCaches) and Locus
- Locus Map Tasker Plugin (4.5@11; ~EUR 0.50) 2
- Locus - addon GSAK Database (4.3@424) 1
LastUpdate: 2013-01-03 Github; connection between GSAK database (GeoCache manager) and Locus
- Locus - Addon New Cache Point (4.2@48) 0
LastUpdate: 2015-12-22 create new Geocaching Point with GC code
- Locus Map - add-on Geocaching (4.1@1,715) Ǥ 11
- Locus - multi cache solver (4@141) 4
LastUpdate: 2019-10-29 geocaching
- Locus Addon FieldNotes (3.9@215) 4
LastUpdate: 2017-10-11 geocaching
- Augm. Reality for Locus Map (3.8@947) 1
LastUpdate: 2016-10-19 Augmented Reality Addon
- Opencaching QuickFind (3.7@94) 5
LastUpdate: 2021-06-18
- Locus - Addon Satellite Images (3.6@337) 3
LastUpdate: 2017-09-06
- Locus Map Watch (3.4@530) 2
- Locus Map - add-on Munzee (3.2@115) 0
LastUpdate: 2017-07-13
- addon for Locus (3@268) 3
LastUpdate: 2015-05-10 Slovakia: route planning & navigation using services from
- Locus - addon Parcel Info (2.8@308) 1
LastUpdate: 2020-02-23 information about cadastral parcel and parcel searching
- Garmin add-on for Locus Map (2.7@229) 3
- WhereYouGo (1.7@2,692) 11
LastUpdate: 2023-03-06 Github
- GSAK for Locus (0@0) 3
LastUpdate: 2023-06-14 Github; fork & successor of Locus - addon GSAK Database
Map sources & POIs
- Vektor-Maps (Google Docs) (Overview)
- Vektor Maps (Forum)
- HowTo für Kartenerstellung am PC (12/2010)
- converting OZFX maps to Locus (10/2010)
- POI Downloads (Forum)
- Convert an existing KML/KMZ for offline use
- How to convert IMG maps to SQL
Other Resources
- Homepage
- Forum (Deutschsprachiger Bereich)
- User Guide / Benutzerhandbuch
- Collection of Video Tutorials
OsmAnd (OpenStreetMap Automated Navigation Directions) is a map and navigation app for Android and iOS (see Wikipedia for details).
If you want to contribute to the OpenStreetMap project (yay!), please see Data Gathering for map providers. You don’t necessarily need to be a pro for that – there are also apps for beginners.
OsmAnd Addons & Apps
- Parking Plugin — OsmAnd (4.5@2,414) 0
LastUpdate: 2016-12-27
- OsmAnd API Demo (4.5@92) 1
for developers: test integration with OsmAnd and functioning of the main features
- Nautical Charts — OsmAnd (4.3@2,192) 1
Plugin for OsmAnd
- Contour lines plugin — OsmAnd (4.2@2,149; ~EUR 4.25) 0
- Ski Map Plugin — OsmAnd (4.2@792) 1
- Clicknav - Easy Navigation Launcher (4.1@113) Ǥ 9
- Explorer helper for VeloViewer (3.8@73) Ǥ 9
LastUpdate: 2019-04-11 export VeloViewer & Strave data to OsmAnd
- OsmAnd Online GPS Tracker (3.4@273) 9
share with contacts and groups from Telegram
- OpenMultiMaps (0@0) 4
show OSM maps by category
- Motorcycle: off road motorcycle render style and routing
Other Resources
- OsmAnd Blog
- Collection of Video Tutorials in the official OsmAnd Blog
- BRouter (Bike Router): Alternative route calculator for bicyclers (and hikers)
- ausführliche Beschreibung im OpenStreetMap Wiki (verbose German description)
- Wege finden ohne Google Maps – OpenStreetMap
- Open Street Map lässt Google in vielen Bereichen alt aussehen (1/2021)
- Real-time traffic information in OsmAnd+
- Offline-Navigation mit OsmAnd (7/2016)
- Tutorials
- GuidaOsmand (Guida non ufficiale a OsmAnd in Italiano)
- Osmand Anleitung (12/2015 - 4/2023)
- Großer OsmAnd Test & Anleitung (9/2020 - 4/2021)
- OsmAnd + Google Traffic (Live) (10/2020 - 7/2023)
- Creating a "Points of Interest" map with open source tools (9/2018 - 4/2019)
- Live Verkehrsdaten in OsmAnd (9/2018)
- Setting up OSMand for Cycling (8/2018)
- Video Tutorials
- How to download and navigate "generic" GPX tracks (2/2019)
- Collecting and managing point data (1/2019)
- Elevation Profile Tips (9/2018)
- Measuring in OsmAnd (6/2018)
- GPX tracks (4/2018)
- Creating, previewing and navigating hiking routes with OsmAnd (9/2017)
- Menu's, Settings, Poi's, Profile's, custom render style (12/2016)
- Loading maps for hiking (6/2016)
- Essentials: How to download maps, use POIs, make favourites, navigate (1/2016)
** Further readings:**