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Password Safes

Password Safes deal with sensible data, hence Permissions play a central role. To me, a password-safe app already gets suspect when it only requests the "Internet" permission. Hence the following list is split into "Clean Permissions" (i.e. no Internet, Calls, SMS-Send, etc.) and "Questionable Permissions" (i.e.: they might be OK, but should be "questioned": "Internet" could be used for ads – or to upload your passwords to "some server"). Generally, I've checked the permissions when collecting (and when updating, see the time-stamps to the right of the corresponding sections) information; never versions might show different.

Clean Permissions

I repeat again: "Clean" was valid at the time of entry – no guarantees whatsoever for future versions! Also: if an app is listed in multiple versions (e.g. free and paid, both in the same line) it means only that at least one of the two is "clean".

Free field definitions / templates


Support different password types


By „password types“ I mean websites, credit cards, email, banking, etc. This usually includes different templates being used, but I couldn't always determine that.

Various "clean" password safes


Questionable Permissions

Means that they exist for all versions of the app. And if even the payed version wants "Internet", that cannot be for ads. Don't get me wrong: this does not mean these apps are evil/malicious. "Questionable" means just what it says: you should question those permissions. They might absolutely make sense (but still it might be questionable if you want it).

Password Safes with Internet


Password Safes with Internet and more


Password Generators


One-Time-Passwords (OTP)


Master Password


Other password generators


Various Password Tools


Further Readings:
