It’s pretty usual in forums to say „Thanks” for good articles. Many pages have buttons for „+1” and „Like”. Just with so many websites we (and I include myself here) take the content for granted. But there was so much time and work put into them! Well, sometimes there’s a big company with money behind it, or it carries many and huge advertisement banners (making the “real content” looking small in comparison), so we don’t have to feel ashamed. Why should that be different here?
IzzyOnDroid is a private site, built in my spare time. From the very first byte, that is: designing pages, creating a CMS (yes, right – no Joomla, Wordpress, or the like behind the scenes here), content, and keeping all the lists always up-to-date – all the work of a single person (me). And then there're the server costs. „Your own fault!” you could say – and even would be right with that. Finally, nobody forced me to do that. But without stimulation, motivation ceases – which then again will hurt you: no more good and fresh content here, another active non-mainstream site lost.
So how to stimulate me? Just by giving a (virtual) „Thank you”. And how to do that? Which possibilities does the site offer for that?
If you use Bitcoin, you're welcome to donate some mBTC to IzzyOnDroid at this address: 1K7i1VJYjRgjdVzaMfK2XRxLsyhjSFXPnC. Using a mobile wallet like Bitcoin Wallet you can easily start a little transfer by scanning the QR code next to this test. Should it be to small, click it – it links to a larger variant.
Open Collective is a legal and financial toolbox for grassroots groups. It’s a fundraising + legal status + money management platform for collaborative groups, like open-source projects, non-profits, or grant recipients, helping them to transparent finances. You can support IzzyOnDroid at Open Collective. And you can read more on how a collective works here.
LiberaPay is a non-profit Mikropayment plattform
similar to Patreon. It offers users the possibility to support
projects they feel important – regularly, with small amounts of money (e.g. 50 Cent per month, or 20 Cent per week). So you're
welcome to support IzzyOnDroid at
– as soon as they have a privacy friendly payment processor again.
The easiest variant: be it a single time, or a standing monthly micro-order:
IBAN: DE33120300001009389493
Institute: Deutsche Kreditbank Berlin
Holder: Andreas I. Rehberg
You want to surprise me? I'd really like that. Surprises are even more personal than money. For ideas, there is my Amazon Wish List you could take a look at (and here's the Amazon Wishlist FAQ if you need to know some background).
Speaking of the … Amazon: almost everyone is using it. I took special care to keep ads from my sites, but a few tiny boxes there are, at the left border of the pages. If I did a good job on that, they should blend perfectly with the content of the corresponding pages, offer added value – and tempt visitors to buy the offered goods. It hasn’t to be exactly what‘s on the ad: everything you add to your basket within the first 30 minutes after clicking it (and before you click a similar ad on another site) will bring some „peanuts” to my bread. So please, if you ever buy from Amazon Germany (as that’s where the links go to), klick them often and buy plenty so I also get some bread under the peanuts(butter)
My books and eBooks are available on (almost) all “local branches” of Amazon, printed versions also in other shops. Here too, I’ll get some pennies. It doesn’t make me rich if you thought that: authors just get about 5% of the price a book is sold for, and there are not so many of them sold with technical topics. In the end, I’m a 1-Euro-per-Hour jobber, if you make the calculation …
Huh? Here, at IzzyOnDroid? Decently, but possible on certain conditions. And please, call it „product placement“ – as in the first place, it must match the „real content“
That’s an easy thing to do, if you feel the site useful: let others know about that! Link to it from your pages, or from your forum posts. Tell your friends. Increasing visitor counts can also be quite stimulating